
I’m always up for a challenge, and taking family photos with a 5 year old, 2.5 year old, and a baby born this spring certainly is that. Luckily, these particular three boys are adorable!  Very energetic with lots of cute smiles. To see more- check out


Calton Family Photos


Last weekend, I had the opportunity to take my first maternity photos.  My cousin, Andrea, is having a baby this December so we took advantage of a beautiful Wisconsin fall day to take their photos.  Can’t wait for her little pumpkin (pun intended) to be born. 🙂 Below are my favorites, but as always, for the full album check out!




Little Pumpkin

11 Steps to a Successful Wedding (featuring Dan and Beth Roman)


Want to know how to pull off a successful wedding? Just ask these two!

Step 1: 

Bride gets hairstylist to come in on his day off.Image


Step 2: 

Bride enlists the help of her best friends to get into the wedding dress.


Step 3: 

Groom anxiously awaits the bride.


Step 4:

Bride wows the crowd with her beauty.

Step 5:

Groom can’t believe he is so lucky.

Step 6:

Bride and Groom exchange vows in front of all of their family and friends.

Step 7:


Step 8:

Bride and Groom look beautiful.

Step 9:

Have a beautiful reception.

Step 10: 

Cut the cake. Eat the cake.

Step 11:

Dance the night away!

Thanks for letting me be part of your special day Dan and Beth!

As always… for more photos of the wedding check out

dan and beth


This past Sunday, I went with Dan Roman and Beth Sager to North Freedom to take their engagement photos.  We went to take a train ride and enjoy the fall colors start to change.  It was pretty rainy but we were luckily able to still take some great photos.  It was a lot of fun and below you can see some of my favorite photos.  The rest are on my website ( under the Engagement and Wedding section.  Check it out!

Dan and Beth- thanks again for letting me take your photos, I hope you enjoy them!

happy birthday pop


This is my favorite photo I have taken of my parents. You can see the genuine happiness that they have to be together, even while watching a Regis football game in the rain.  What you can’t immediately tell from this picture is that my dad was wearing his red Green Bay Packers hat.  That hat held a lot of meaning at this time because it was red for heart health awareness.  Not very long prior  to when this photo was taken (my dad’s 50th birthday) we almost lost my dad to a heart attack.  I am grateful for every birthday that continues to let the world know my dad’s humor and good spirits. 

Happy Birthday Pop!

stacy and justin


When I first posted the photos from Stacy and Justin’s wedding, they were straight from the camera with zero edits.  See to see all of the photos.  I leave tomorrow for a two-week work trip to Minnesota that wraps up with Stacy’s wedding reception (hooray!), so I felt like having a little fun with the photos I already took.  I’m sure I will have more photos after the reception but for the time being here are a few of my favorites.

pura vida


Last New Year’s I took a trip to Costa Rica.  This was my first time south of the US (other than a Disney cruise to the Bahamas when I was 9- I don’t really count that).  I studied Spanish and biology in college, so it was an ideal place to visit for me.

Costa Rica is an absolutely great place to have an adventure.  From zip-lining in the rain forest to the sandy beaches and from howling monkeys to breakfast buffets with chocolate fountains, I could go on and on with the reasons someone should travel to Costa Rica, but I won’t bore you with that here, you can just look at the pictures and start to understand.

My favorite thing about Costa Rica, aside from the breathtaking beauty, was the attitude of the people.  Costa Ricans are some of the friendliest people I have ever met, and this is reflected in a phrase that they say in almost every conversation ‘pura vida’.  Pura vida can mean pretty much anything you want it to as long as it is positive.

I hope you enjoy some of my photos from Costa Rica.  Pura Vida!